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Mirjam Berle herself
air – paper – rubber – leather – water

In turbulent times, I thrive –
empowering people is my passion

No matter what temperature – when elements move or melt, they can be reshaped.

Air, paper, rubber, leather, water - a variety of materials and products. They all symbolise the companies and industries that have shaped and accompanied me professionally. It has been an intense journey through many storms and turbulent times.

Times when leadership and communication made the difference. Times when I too was put to the test - in the tension between my own search for the way forward and my responsibility to accompany others through the darkness into the light.

Crisis to Opportunity

These were challenges that allowed me to grow - times full of questions in which I learnt to find answers. Realisations that helped me not only to clarify my own path, but also to give others guidance and lead them forwards with clarity and confidence.

Communication and coaching are my craft

My motivation is to see people as individuals and to enable them to adopt a value-orientated inner attitude. I see the basis for further development in continuously strengthening our own skills and abilities and skilfully combining them with those of others. When we consciously share knowledge with each other, we can grow as individuals and as a team and celebrate success.

Life and work have taught me that stormy times and cold waves offer special opportunities. Recognising and using them helps us to move forward. This experience feeds my ability to bring about strength-orientated solutions in critical and complex situations and to implement them courageously.

The support of mentors and coaches has often ‘saved’ me. They were my investment in myself when things were at their most difficult. They were my guide to activating my strengths and wisely aligning my inner compass.

Running shoes, yoga and my husband give me strength.

My roots lie on a farm in the Allgäu, a place that has given me a down-to-earth attitude and vision. Today, I live and work in Frankfurt am Main - a city that combines speed, dynamism and diversity. Qualities that also characterise my professional career. Communication is my terrain, strategic thinking my strength, clarity my aspiration.

I love making complex topics tangible and reaching people with powerful messages. In doing so, I rely on experience, intuition and a deep understanding of target groups. I put my heart and soul into what I do and how I do it. That is demanding. This makes my running shoes, my yoga mat and the man by my side all the more important. They all give me strength, calm and energy - always!

Empowering people to see every change or crisis as an opportunity for growth and to turn it into success with the help of their strengths and values is my passion and my profession.

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Certificates and diplomas


EMCC Global

Accredited Coach/Mentor at Senior Practitioner level

Coach Hub

Certified Digital Coach


Prädikat „EMOTION-Coach“


Find out more about the courses I offer here:

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